In what situation will you wear this shirt?
In what climate will you wear this shirt?
Do you like a fabric with visible texture?
Can you spend over $125 on this shirt?
Do you want something particularly soft?
Do you like a button down collar?
What is your work environment like?
In what climate will you wear this shirt?
Would you like a wrinkle-resistant finish?
Are you looking for something particularly opaque?
Do you like a fabric with visible texture?
Do you like a fabric with visible texture?
Can you spend at least $150 on this shirt?
Can you spend over $130 on a shirt?
Do you want the best shirt possible, no matter the price?
Do you prefer European Fabrics?
Do you like a little shine?
Do you like French Cuffs?
Do you want something particularly soft?
Do you like a button down collar?
How much do you like to spend on a shirt?
Would you like a wrinkle-resistant finish?
Are you comfortable spending over $150 on this shirt?
Will you wear a tuxedo to the event?
Which style of tuxedo shirt front do you prefer?
Do you like a fabric with visible texture?
How much are you comfortable spending on this shirt?
Do you like a little shine?
Do you wear cufflinks?
Do you want the best shirt possible, no matter the price?
Do you prefer Italian fabrics?
Are you comfortable spending more than $150 on this shirt?
Suggested For You
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